How often do people recycle?
Thank you to those of you who do recycle. Majority of the plastic bottles we for some reason "forget" to recycle end up in land fills or even worse, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch stretches across a swath of the North Pacific Ocean, literally forming a floating junk yard on the high seas.

This is a PEOPLE problem, the plastic that originates in human hands somehow ends up in the ocean, often harming the ocean life by being inside their stomachs or around their necks. The best way to visualize this patch of garbage is to imagine a big soup floating in the ocean that contain the largest numbers of plastic are the ocean gyres. Gyres are large systems of moving ocean currents. In a systematic drawing you see below, you see that the water is circulating like a vortex. This is what causes all garbage to automatically remain in the middle of Pacific Ocean.